
Adenovirus is a group of viruses that can cause a range of illnesses in humans and animals. These viruses are non-enveloped, double-stranded DNA viruses that have a unique icosahedral structure.

Adenoviruses can cause respiratory infections, such as the common cold, bronchitis, and pneumonia. They can also cause conjunctivitis (pink eye), gastroenteritis (stomach flu), and urinary tract infections. In some cases, adenoviruses can cause more serious illnesses, such as meningitis, encephalitis, and myocarditis.

Adenoviruses are transmitted through close contact with infected individuals, such as through coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces. There are currently no specific antiviral treatments for adenovirus infections, but the symptoms can be managed with over-the-counter medications and supportive care.

Adenovirus vaccines are available for certain strains of the virus, such as those that cause respiratory and gastroenteritis illnesses in children. These vaccines are typically administered to military recruits, college students, and children in daycare settings to help prevent outbreaks.
